Year Ten Work Experience 2025

Work Experience 2025

During the Summer term of year 10, all Kingsway Park High School students are given the
opportunity to undertake a work experience placement. This year work experience will
take place from:

Monday 30th June to 4th July 2025.

Work experience placements are an opportunity for students to develop their skills, experience and gain confidence within a workplace setting. Successful completion of a placement can be extremely useful when students come to apply for college places,
apprenticeships and employment opportunities.

During the spring term your young person will be supported to prepare for work experience by undertaking a number of activities during form time and CDC lessons.
Below is some guidance around supporting them to secure and undertake a successful placement.

Key dates:

21st March - deadline for self placement forms

Accessing support:

In the first instance please contact the careers mentor in school

The Process: 

Information shared with parents during Year Ten parents' evening. 

Launch Assembly with MPLOY - 28th January 2025. The assembly outlines self  placement, deadlines and how to submit placement details to school for checking.

January until March 21st Students to contact employers and arrange their placement
March 21st Deadline for submission of self-placement forms
April 2025 - June 2025 All work placements are checked to ensure they meet the
required health and safety standards and have the necessary insurance in place
Jun 2025 Letters will be sent home with students confirming their placement details

Authorising a placement

Ensuring the safety of our students is a priority at Kingsway Park High School and we have a duty of care when authorising work experience placements. We commission an external company called MPloy to thoroughly check all placements. Mploy will check that an organisation:

Has the appropriate Employer Liability Insurance in place
Has the required health and safety checks and procedures in place
Is offering a placement that legally complies with the appropriate working hours and expectations for a young person under 16.

We will not authorise any placements that do not meet the expected standards and legal requirements.

Supporting your young person to secure a placement

Contacting an employer can be daunting, you can support your young person in the following ways:

Speak to them and establish what type of placement they would like to aim for
Consider if you have any family members or contacts that may be able to offer them a placement
Research potential employers online and help them to email or phone to ask if they offer work experience placements
Contact as many employers as possible
Start early! Some employers can take a long time to respond, others may want to arrange a short meeting or interview, you’ll need to ensure you have enough time for this.
Lots of schools undertake work experience in June and July so there may be competition for places locally. Our deadline of 21st of March for self-placement forms is strict and can not be moved as we need time to conduct checks. Don’t leave things to the last minute, make sure you have enough time.

What information do we need?

A completed self-placement form. You can complete this with your young person. You’ll need information and a signature from an employer before handing the form in to school.
Please include as much information as possible so that we can process forms quickly and compete the necessary employer checks in time
A named contact for the employer with clear contact details (phone and email)

A copy of the Employer Liability Insurance (this must be valid and cover the week of work experience)
A parental signature on the self-placement form. This is to confirm that you consent to the placement and have checked the details and requirements submitted by the employer.

Some considerations:

Location – your young person will need to travel to and from their placement. This may require a different mode of transport than they usually take to school and incur an additional cost.
They will be expected to arrive at their placement on time and complete a set number of working hours (these will differ between employers). Please consider travel before committing to a placement.
Professional placements (legal, financial, medical, technology/IT) can be challenging to source, there is usually lots of competition for places and your young person may be required to travel further.
Placements in career areas such as engineering and construction can also be a challenge to secure and there are often additional health and safety checks required due to the nature of the work.
You may not be able to secure a placement with your young persons first choice of employer. If this is the case think about how you can widen your search. 

What can I do if I’m struggling to find the type of placement my young person wants?
If your young person is unable to secure their preferred placement, we would ask that you speak to
us as soon as possible as we may be able to help. However, it’s not essential that your young
person undertakes a placement in their preferred career area. For now, the most important thing is
to experience a workplace environment and develop skills and confidence.

I’ve found a placement, but the employer has asked me to provide specific workwear, can school help with this?
Some employers have a specific dress code, and some require staff to wear safety clothing and/or
footwear. School is not able to fund clothing and footwear requests.
If professional/office wear is required, please consider skirt/pants and shirts that your young
person would normally wear for school.
With safety wear, many employers will provide this for a student. If this is not the case,
parents/carers will need to provide this please.
As always, please speak to us as soon as possible if any issues arise.

My young person has been asked to attend an interview before they can secure their placement, will school authorise this?
Some employers ask that a young person attends an interview or a pre-placement training session
before work experience begins. This is all part of the experience, and we are happy to allow young
people to attend. Please inform school of the interview/training session details in good time and
we will work with you to authorise an absence from school.

It’s Work Experience week and my young person is ill, do I still contact school?
Yes. Please let us know as soon as possible if your young person is ill and unable to attend their placement. You must also contact the employer and inform them that they will be absent. We would also ask that you inform the employer if your young person is going to be late for any reason.

My young person is having an issue while on their placement, what should I do?
If there are any issues during your young person’s placement, please contact school as soon as possible so we can support you to resolve this.