
We consider the uniform to be an essential feature of Kingsway Park High School, helping to establish a disciplined school community.

A uniform creates a sense of belonging which is one of our core values. Everyone is represented as one collective and it matters that students feel smart and proud. They are representatives of our school when they are wearing our school badge. Our uniform is very easy to obtain, and is available at the following uniform providers: Moses Schoolwear and Ziggys Schoolwear. Good quality second-hand uniform is also available at the Altus Community Hub. To find out more about the Altus Community Hub, follow the link here: https://www.altusep.com/53/our-community/case-study/4/altus-community-hub

Maria Saleem for Screen

Uniform image

Our uniform expectations can be seen above. Please note the blue polo shirt is only permitted in the summer term.