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- Technology
Curriculum Intent
The Technology department wants to enable all Kingsway Park students to develop skills and knowledge that will help them throughout their time at school as well as equip and support them when they leave school as young adults.
All schemes of learning have been carefully developed to ensure that students build the skills needed to be successful in all that they do. We aim to focus on the three C’s: Confidence, Creativity and Curiosity. Students will learn how products are designed and manufactured, how to be innovative and to make creative use of a variety of resources including digital technologies, to improve the world around them. We aim to use Technology to broaden a student's experiences, develop their imagination and technical skills. To foster a student's creativity and promote their personal and social development.
We feel that students should be given an opportunity to understand that everything around us has been designed and manufactured with a specific purpose. We strive to make students aware that success does not necessarily happen at first but through perseverance, excellence and success can be achieved.
Key Stage 3:
- 2 x 60-minute lessons per fortnight.
- Classes are mixed ability.
- Work is completed in project booklets which are kept in school.
- Assessments are once per half term and the assessment is marked out of 40.
- Progress is monitored and tracked by the head of department and a senior leader.
- Homework is set every term via worksheets and completion and submission is monitored on Class Charts.
- Awards are given every half term during whole year group assemblies as well as on Class Charts.
Key Stage 4:
- 5 x 60-minute lessons per fortnight.
- Classes are mixed ability.
- The examination specification is EDUQAS for both GCSE 3D Design and GCSE Graphic Communication. GCSE Art and Design | Eduqas All GCSE courses are marked 60% Coursework and 40% Independent Assessment (exam).
- Work is completed in A3 project folders which are kept in school.
- Internal assessments of the project folders are once per half term with written feedback given.
- Progress is monitored and tracked by the head of department and a senior leader.
- Homework is continuous throughout the course as students will be working on various coursework tasks.
- Awards are given every half term during whole year group assemblies as well as on Class Charts.
Extended Curriculum
- GCSE plus is available Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:40pm – 4:00pm
Extra Support
- Students have access to Microsoft Teams with WAGOLL’s for each coursework task set.
- During KS4 there are opportunities for students in both 3D Design and Graphic Communication to visit local venues in order to allow them the opportunity to collect Primary research needed for their coursework projects.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 8 Design Technology Autumn
Year 8 Design Technology Spring
Year 8 Food Science Autumn
Year 8 Food Science Spring
Year 9
Year 10