MFL Spanish

Curriculum Intent

Learning a new language opens a world of possibilities and opportunities. Through languages, we promote students’ curiosity, problem-solving skills and deepen their understanding not only of their own identity and culture but also of other countries. At Kingsway Park High School, we are positive about learning languages, resilient and enjoy ‘giving something a go’ with an expectation of success. 

Key Stage 3:

  • 3 x 60-minute lessons per fortnight. 
  • Classes are taught in mixed ability tutor groups in year 7 and are set in years 8 and 9. 
  • Work is completed in exercise books .
  • Assessments are once per half term and the assessment is marked out of 80. 
  • Progress is monitored and tracked by the head of department and a senior leader. 
  • Homework is set every week.
  • Awards are given every half term in the year group’s achievement assembly. Class Charts points, stickers and prizes are regularly given out in class for good contribution, effort and achievement. Postcards are sent home for students receiving the top grades in their class in assessment. 

Key Stage 4:

  • 5 x 60-minute lessons per fortnight. 
  • Classes are set or in mixed ability depending on the number of classes per option block. 
  • The examination specification is Edexcel and the course is worth 1 GCSE and externally assessed by 100% exam (25% per skill).
  • Work is completed in exercise books which are kept at home and brough to lesson. Assessment books must remain in school.  
  • Internal assessments are at the end of each module in listening, reading and writing. In the summer term of year 10, students will have a speaking assessment. The assessment is given a percentage grade. 
  • Progress is monitored and tracked by the head of department and a senior leader. 
  • Homework is set every week. In year 10 this follows the same format as KS3. In year 11, the focus is on speaking preparation and learning.  
  • Awards are given every half term in the year group’s achievement assembly. Class Charts points, stickers and prizes are regularly given out in class for good contribution, effort and achievement. Postcards are sent home for students receiving the top grades in their class in assessment. 

Extended Curriculum


  • The MFL department holds cultural events in school throughout the year. Past events have included, European Day of Languages Bake-Off, Salsa Workshop and El día de los Muertos. Look out for details about up-coming events in tutor time or on the notice boards around school.   

Extra Support 

  • GCSE+ for year 11 students are on Thursdays after school with the support of Rochdale Sixth Form College.  
  • Students have access to additional online support activities via ActiveLearn. Their username is their school email address, and they can reset their password via the ‘forgot password’ link.  


  • Previous experiences have included trips to The University of Manchester, 24hr trip to France and a French residential.


Curriculum Overview

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Content to follow

Year 10

Content to follow

Year 11