ICT & Computer Science

Curriculum Intent

We study ICT & Computer Science to help us think in a more logical way and become better at making decisions and solve problems. We learn about how the different parts of a computer work together and why they work like that. In addition, we develop skills in programming systems and start to understand how computers communicate via networks. We then look at how important technology is today and the impact and issues that can arise from using computer systems and how to improve them. 

Key Stage 3:

  • 3 x 60-minute lessons per fortnight. 
  • Classes are mixed ability. 
  • Assessments are once per half term and are based on the learning the students have done throughout that half term. 
  • Progress is monitored and tracked by the head of department and a senior leader. 
  • Awards are given every half term in the form of certificates for students who have shown high levels of excellence, perseverance, and success.  


Key Stage 4:

Computer Science  

  • 5 x 60-minute lessons per fortnight. 
  • Classes are mixed ability. 
  • The examination specification  OCR (https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse/computer-science-j277-from-2020/) and the course is worth 1 GCSE and externally assessed by 2 exams (50% each) there is a programming element to the course, but this is unassessed.  
  • Work is complete in exercise books and on Microsoft Teams.  
  • Internal assessments are once per unit of work delivered and there are Interim assessment to recap and review as an ongoing process.  
  • Progress is monitored and tracked by the head of department and a senior leader. 
  • Awards are given every half term in the form of certificates for students who have shown high levels of excellence, perseverance, and success.


Extended Curriculum

  • Students have an account for iDEA where they can complete a series of badges to be awarded certification in the Digital Enterprise Award.  
  • Students are introduced to a speed typing course and are asked to continue to use this to help improve their typing skills. 
  • Seneca Learning can be used to help revise course content.
  • Teach-ict is available with a username and password provided by the class teacher. 
  • ComputerScienceUK is another web-based resource where students can revise course content. 



Curriculum Overview