Food Science & Nutrition

Curriculum Intent

The Food Science and Nutrition curriculum offers all students the opportunity to learn vital life skills including practical cooking skills, knowledge of nutrition, the energy our food provides and energy balance. The curriculum enables students to make informed decisions about food and nutrition and allows them to acquire knowledge in order to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life.  

Students will cook a broad range of both classic and modern recipes from a rich variety of cultures where they can demonstrate a wide range of technical skills. There is specific emphasis on British cuisine and British food history however, students can explore many other international cuisines. Students will learn how to plan meals, prevent food waste and be economic when buying food, all of which are vital life skills. 

Students will explore where food comes from and understand how this makes an impact on the environment as well as learning critically important knowledge about sustaining our resources for future generations. 

Key Stage 3:

  • 1 x 60-minute lessons per week. 
  • Classes are mixed ability. 
  • Work is complete in exercise books which are kept at school. 
  • Assessments are twice per half term and the assessment is marked out of 20. 
  • Progress is monitored and tracked by the head of department and a senior leader. 
  • Homework is set at least once per half term in the form of revision activities and worksheets, completion and submission is monitored on Class Charts.
  • Awards are given every half term in the form of student of the term, Class Charts points, reward cookery sessions and commendations.   


Key Stage 4:

  • 5 x 60-minute lessons per fortnight. 
  • Classes are mixed ability. 
  • The examination specification is Eduqas (Year 11) and AQA (Year 10), the course is worth 1 GCSE and externally assessed by exam (50%) and None examined assessment (50%). 
  • Work is completed in exercise books which are kept at school, NEA work is saved in students areas on their One Drive. 
  • Internal assessments are twice per half term and the assessment is marked out of 20. 
  • Progress is monitored and tracked by class teachers, the head of department and a senior leader. 
  • Homework is set every fortnight via worksheets or Seneca Learning, completion and submission is monitored on Class Charts. 
  • Awards are given every half term in the form of student of the term, Class Charts points, reward cookery sessions and commendations. 


Extended Curriculum


Year 10 Foodie Club - Fridays 2.40pm- 4.00pm. 

 Extra Support 

All KS4 students have an account set up with Seneca Learning and have additional time after school to complete revision activities using our computer suite in preparation for their exams. 


Curriculum Overview