
Curriculum Intent

The English department at Kingsway Park High School intends to enable all students to progress in the vital skills of reading, writing and oracy. We provide students access to a broad and varied range of high-quality fiction and non-fiction texts which allows them to develop their language and communication skills and foster a love of reading that continues well beyond the classroom. We aim to develop students’ wider view of the world so that they develop empathy and understanding for others. Our intention is to allow our students to be able to compete in a competitive employment field and grow into the very best version of themselves.

Key Stage 3:

  • 6 x 60-minute lessons per fortnight and one reading lesson.
  • Classes are set.
  • Work is complete in exercise books which are kept in school.
  • Assessments are once per half term and the assessment is marked out of 80.
  • Progress is monitored and tracked by the head of department and a senior leader.
  • Homework is set every week via worksheets and completion and submission is monitored on Class Charts.
  • Awards are given every week in the form of a certificate and via our Instagram page (Kphs_English) for students who have worked extra hard during their lessons that week.


Key Stage 4:

  • 8 x 60-minute lessons per fortnight.
  • Classes are set.
  • The examination specification is AQA (https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/english) and the course is worth 2 GCSEs (Literature and Language) and externally assessed by exam (100%).
  • Work is complete in exercise books which are kept in school.
  • Internal assessments are once per half term and the assessment is marked out of 80.
  • Progress is monitored and tracked by the head of department and a senior leader.
  • Homework is set every week via worksheets and completion and submission is monitored on Class Charts.
  • Awards are given every half term in the form of certificates for students who have worked extra hard during their lessons.


Extended Curriculum


  • After school on Monday 2.45-3.30 for KS3 students attending Homework club.

 Extra Support

  • The department offers lunchtime sessions to catch up students.
  • Extra intervention is given to students who need it.


Curriculum Overview