Business Enterprise & Marketing

Curriculum Intent

Here at Kingsway Park High School, we study Business Enterprise and Marketing to develop a wide range of skills including communication, problem-solving, presenting, and project management.  

Business students quickly learn to relate their subject knowledge to real-life experiences and to use critical thinking, analysis, and evaluation to understand some of the business and marketing decisions we observe in our local, national, and international markets.   

We hope, through studying business, our students will be better prepared for adult life by being equipped to make sensible financial decisions, identify opportunities, respond to internal and external influences and to be more discerning in the businesses they engage with.  

The practical elements of the course will help build on their theoretical knowledge so that our students can put their learning into practice while also developing valuable transferable skills. 

Students will study a unit on Enterprise, Professionalism and Employability (EPE) in half term 4 in the timetabled ICT and Computing lessons. This will allow students to begin to identify the key principles of enterprise and marketing alongside gaining an understanding of the different industries and sectors around them and the variety of careers available to them. Students are introduced to our careers planning program, Xello, which will allow students to explore different careers related to their interests, their personal skills and the way they would like to work. Throughout this unit, students are introduced to our ‘money matters’ scheme of learning which is based on financial education. It allows them to learn and explore more on the following areas: saving, spending, borrowing, understanding pay, risks and insurance. At Kingsway Park, we truly believe financial education should be delivered to young people much earlier to ensure they are better prepared for their futures.  

Key Stage 3:

  • 3 x 60-minute lessons per fortnight. 
  • Classes are mixed ability. 
  • Subject content is based on the work carried out by Martin Lewis and Young Money (part of Young Enterprise) along with our network through Greater Manchester Apprenticeship & Careers Service (GMACS) and Xello.  
  • Work is completed through their Office 365 account on Microsoft Teams allowing access in school and anywhere with an internet connection.  
  • Internal assessments are carried out at the end of the unit and marks are provided as a percentage to help students identify their current grade. 
  • Progress is monitored and tracked by the head of department and a senior leader.
  • Homework is set every half term via Microsoft Teams and completion and submission is monitored on Class Charts. 
  • Awards are given every half term in the form of subject awards for students who have achieved the best grades and show the best attitudes to learning. 


Key Stage 4:

  • 5 x 60-minute lessons per fortnight.
  • Classes are mixed ability.
  • The examination specification is OCR Cambridge National Enterprise and Marketing Level 2 Certificate - J819 and the course is worth 1 GCSE and externally assessed by exam (50%) and two coursework modules (25% each).
  • Work is completed through their Office 365 account on Microsoft Teams allowing access in school and anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Internal assessments are carried out after each unit (approximately 3 per term) and marks are provided as a percentage to help students identify their current grade.
  • Progress is monitored and tracked by the head of department and a senior leader.
  • Homework is set every half term via Microsoft Teams and completion and submission is monitored on Class Charts.
  • Awards are given every half term in the form of subject awards for students who have achieved the best grades and show the best attitudes to learning.

Extended Curriculum

Extra Support 

  • Students have accounts through Office 365 which allow students access to all lessons at any time. Through their team they can also pitch questions about their learning to their teacher and their peers. The department offers lunchtime and after-school sessions to help students catch up. 


  • There is an annual trip to Manchester United to see how the different departments of a business work together for students in year 10 in the summer term.
  • Guest speakers from local businesses present to year 10 and 11 students throughout their course.
  • Students take part in an enterprise project for a school community event in year 10 in the summer term.


Curriculum Overview